«,Variant 5′ has impacted positively on the lives of so many people»

??????????????????????Was kommt Ihnen zu 25 Jahre «Variant 5» in den Sinn? Antworten auf diese knappe Frage sind im neusten Bulletin des Fördervereins zu lesen, zum Beispiel jene von Vanya Borissova, der Leiterin des Roten Kreuzes in Targoviste: «We are grateful to «Variant 5» that has impacted positively on the lives of so many people. And actually you have done a lot. It’s not easy to say it just in a few words. We are very, very thankful to you and we do know that a lot of work has been done. «Variant 5» has been a partner of Bulga­rian Red Cross Targovishte for more than 15 years now. We have collaborated in various social projects. Thanks to our cooperation disabled people were supported with food packages and materials for occupational therapy, poor families have received food and hygienic packages, homeless people got food packages for the winter months. «Variant 5» has co-financed a soup kitchen for 180 students in different schools of Targovishte region. In the last four years «Variant 5» has supported candidate students from poor families to continue their education in universities.»
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